July 15, 2016
Ukrainian Kyokushinkaikan Karate Federation has held traditional summer training camp. It was held at a recreation center near the Pisochne lake (Volyn region, Turiysk district, village Ozeryany) from 3rd to 10th of July 2016. Main instructor of the camp was our Branch-chief, Shihan Dmytro Volynets. 70 karate fighters joined the camp this year, including sportsmen from Dnipro (trainer Sensei Dmytro Golovin).
Training schedule was very intense and included four trainings each day. In the morning fighters ran a cross, and its distance increased every day. Kata was mastered at the mid-day training, and the evening training included general physical exercises, work in pairs, self-defense against knife attack and kumite training. Self-preparation to tests for belts was the forth training. There also was a lecture on first care, delivered by the chief of neurology department of Kivertsi district hospital Maryshchuk Oles. This lecture was very interesting both for trainers and for sportsmen. Rest of the time fighters could swim in the lake, play soccer or volleyball.
In conclusion of the camp there were ku and dan tests. Bidzyura Olga has passed for 1st dan and Goncharenko Yaroslav from Dnipro for 2nd dan. Shumik Vadim has passed test for 3rd dan and received status “Sensei”. Finally there was traditional visiting of the bath-house, barbecue and big vatra (fire). Sportsmen have also prepared a little show with scenes of memorable and comic events of their camp life.